Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Juicy Fruit!

Hey everyone!

I've been to Amsterdam in Holland with eight other girls! It was great! We had som much fun and I loved getting to know new people. There was 4 I didnt know before the trip so that was fun!

We did, however not eat that healthy unfortunatly. There were pancakes, McDonalds, chips, beer and much more. So I came home really tired and beat after travelling and walking around all weekend so I went to Tesco where they had an offer I just couldnt resist. (Youre welcome Tesco for free advertising) I got two cases of fruit (berries) for only £3 so I bought a case of blueberries, strawberries and two cases of blackberries. I also bought a pineapple at ASDA so after dinner I made som fruit sallad. Just a simple one with all of there fruits.

Blueberries (Blåbär) have a lot of nutrients in them such as antioxidents which boosts the immunesystem. It is also believed that blueberries can help with your memory.

Blackberries (Björnbär) are good for you because one blackberry containes more anti oxidents than strawberries and raspberries. Blackberries has lots of Vitamin C and E so enjoy!

Strawberries (Jordgubbar) are somewhat a great tradition in Sweden. We love strawberries when its summer. We use fresh berries as decorations on cakes a lot over the summer. On avarage a Swedish person eats 3-4 tons of strawberries every year! Strawberries has a lot of fibre which is good for your tummy!

Pinapple (Ananas) is a sweet fruit which I think is very exotic! It has lots of vitamin C and also something called enzyme Bromelin which is very good at breaking down protein which helpes the digestion, so eat pinapple after as dessert!

This is the yummie outcome :)

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